Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries
Windward provides aquatic science and fisheries services to clients with projects involving threatened or endangered fish species, ecosystem restoration, watershed planning, flood management, water supply and water rights, water quality, land/resource management, and urban development.
Our ability to inventory existing conditions, analyze data, and develop/implement restoration and management plans for freshwater and estuarine aquatic resources is complimented by our related aquatic services in water quality analysis, estuarine and hydrologic modeling, riparian ecosystems, and environmental compliance and permitting. This allows Windward to provide complete and integrated fisheries services to our clients and to fully address project needs.
Related Services
Aquatic Habitat Surveys
Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Planning and Design
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Analyses
Fisheries Surveys and Assessments
Seining and trapping
Snorkel and SCUBA
Trawl Surveys
Fisheries Modeling and Data Analysis
Fish Screening, Entrainment, and Passage Analyse
Fish Rescue and Relocation
ESA Section 7 Biological Assessments and Consultation
Essential Fish Habitat
Aquatic Habitat Conservation Plans
Instream Flow Studies
Water Quality Sampling and Analysis
Hydrologic Analyses and Modeling
Watershed Assessment and Planning
Lake and Pond Assessment and Management
Wastewater Treatment Permitting Support